mansion house
- 府邸;居所

Mrs Thatcher attended a dinner at the mansion house last night .
Originally a Mansion House , it offers a warm welcome with high standard amenities .
The remainder of Anne 's time at Uppercross , comprehending only two days , was spent entirely at the Mansion House ;
The mock Tudor mansion house has ten bedrooms and13 bathrooms all with high ceilings and dark hardwood floors .
The train took 1min 20secs to travel along 339 yards of track , timed from the moment its doors closed at Mansion House and opened at Cannon Street .
The23 existing couplets belonging to the mansion house best manifest Zhang 's wit and humor , his political ambition , attitude and his attachment to hometown and relatives .
The foreign secretary will address London 's diplomats at the Easter banquet , and the chancellor of the exchequer will give the annual Mansion House speech at the bankers ' dinner in June .
In order to study on the energy saving potential of sewage water source heat pump system and determine a reasonable operating program , the Mansion House of Tianjin with its sewage water source heat pump system was chosen to be research object in this paper .
Somewhere beneath him , the London Underground train he had just abandoned at Mansion House had already begun to clatter and trundle its way eastwards on the Circle Line , unhindered , and running perfectly on schedule .
The first recorded streak happened on July 5 , 1799 , when an adventurous ( and unfortunately , nameless ) man accepted a dare and was arrested at the Mansion House in London after a naked dash from Cornhill to Cheapside .
My new house is to have nothing Gothic about it , nor pretend to call cousins with the mansion - house .
One of the city 's most famous haunted houses is Pittock Mansion , an ornate house that was built in 1914 by a wealthy businessman and his wife , both of whom died shortly thereafter .
And we have also a 19th century Greek mansion , and we use that mansion as a guest house with entertainment rooms , lounge , and that 's the first place we check our guests in , and then back to the rooms .